Transportes Blindados S.A. (trading as “Trablisa”) was founded in 1975, and is now one of Spain’s leading suppliers of security and secure transport services. The TRABLISA GROUP has now expanded its activities to include the auxiliary and logistics services supplied via its member-companies TRANSPORTES BLINDADOS; ATESE; VISABREN SERVICIOS GENERALES and TRABLISA EXPRESS.
The TRABLISA GROUP is developing its approach to responsible conduct in all the divisions and activities operated by it, including at branch level throughout Spain.
The code of ethics aims to define and communicate to the different stakeholders the commitments of GRUPO TRABLISA. It is a fundamental tool to establish the principles regulating the activity of GRUPO TRABLISA and all its staff.
This code is applicable to GRUPO TRABLISA, as well as all its staff (regardless of the type of recruitment, the position they occupy in the organization or its location) as well as people working on behalf of it. All these people have the obligation to know and follow this Code, as well as to always act under a principle of zero tolerance towards any behavior that breaches or may breach the provisions of this document.
It is a living document that is not intended to replace conventions, agreements or national, community and international legislation. However, the TRABLISA GROUP gives it priority importance.
This report covers the non-financial performance of the Trablisa Group companies listed below for the year 2023.
The periodicity of the reports is established on an annual basis.
This is the fifth non-financial report made by GRUPO TRABLISA.
This document contains the conclusions of the results obtained during the diagnostic phase, of each of the companies that make up the Plan, of the project for the development and negotiation of the First Equality Plan of GRUPO TRABLISA.
These reports try to visualize in a synthetic way the starting situation of the organization and the aspects to be improved in terms of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, identifying the main problems and difficulties detected, priority areas for action, general objectives of the future equality plan and proposals for measures to be negotiated in the equality plan, in line with the conclusions drawn from the analysis and previously exposed.
The purpose of the diagnostic reports, on which this document is based, was to carry out a diagnosis of effective equality between women and men, analyzing whether the companies included in the Plan respect equality of treatment and opportunities in the workplace and have adopted measures aimed at avoiding any type of labor discrimination between women and men.
The deployment of the commitments established in our corporate policy is developed through the procedures, manuals and code of ethics of our integral management system based on ISO 9001; ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301 UNE 16082, UNE 16747, UNE-EN 17483-1, RS10 standards, as well as the Professional and Ethical Code for private security services, the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certificate and the Certificate of Conformity with the National Security Scheme (ENS).